jueves, 28 de diciembre de 2023



The King, Owen I

Last December 26, we celebrated Owen Muller's 27th Birthday on Earth.

That day, there in the distant Galaxy in which he has reigned for more than seven years, was a special celebration in homage to his King, Owen I, whom his immense people adore for his charisma, spirit of justice, generosity and kindness unmatched. He has given his people the love and justice they longed for, knowing that he inherited the throne at a time when they needed it most.

On Earth, where he lived since his birth within a wonderful family, the Muellers, selected to take care of him, raise him, educate him in the best human values, he fulfilled his mission: he left the best inheritance that can be left, with the example of love, neatness in his conduct, honor and generosity, so much so that he contributed to extending the lives of people who were close to dying.

His birthday was also celebrated here. It was something very special; his family, his closest friends, people who learned to love him, respect him, and for whom he will be remembered forever.

Hail, Owen, that Little Prince we knew, today King of that distant and enormous Galaxy.

New York, December 28, 2023

Leonardo (Ivan) Argudo.

miércoles, 6 de diciembre de 2023



En la Recepción, bailando el Vals tradicional.

Poder agradecer tantos mensajes, tantas palabras de cariño y aprecio hacia nosotros, por nuestro Aniversario 33, sería una difícil tarea a cumplir, por su valor poético y lleno de amor, en primer lugar, y porque son muchos, en segundo lugar.

Llenaríamos un Blog entero para ello, y aún así, no nos alcanzarían las palabras para expresarles nuestra gratitud.

Solo podemos decirles a todos ustedes, amigos, familiares, conocidos, que sus palabras nos han llenado de alegría y felicidad, y son un aliento para seguir adelante en esta lucha eterna de vivir, de problemas y atascos, de momentos felices y de plenitud.

Gracias por siempre a todos. 

Retribuímos su afecto con el nuestro.

New York, diciembre 3, 2023

Leonardo y Nila Argudo 


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